Stay Home

Forskerne ved Stay Home undersøger, hvad der sker med hjemmet som et fysisk, digitaliseret, socialt og eksistentielt fundament under coronakrisen - og bagefter.


Symposium ‘The Domestic Fantastic’ on November 30th. Register here.

af Emma Klakk 1. november 2023

Postdoctoral researcher at STAY HOME, Nicholas Thomas Lee is organizing the international symposium The Domestic Fantastic on November 30th.

The symposium addresses the role that prospective houses, homes and domestic habitats can have on driving beneficial spatial, social, and environmental outcomes at a societal level.

The four keynote speakers are:

  • Sean Canty, Sean Canty Architects / Harvard GSD
  • Cathelijne Nuijsink, ETH Zürich
  • Gry Worre Hallberg, Sisters Hope / Sisters Hope Home
  • Anna Puigjaner, MAIO Architects

Read more and register for the symposium here.