Stay Home

Forskerne ved Stay Home undersøger, hvad der sker med hjemmet som et fysisk, digitaliseret, socialt og eksistentielt fundament under coronakrisen - og bagefter.


New blog post about “feeling at home” in residential care

af Emma Klakk 29. juni 2023

We have published a new blog post on our research blog about “feeling at home” in out-of-home residential care written by professor at RMIT University, Suzie Attiwill, who presented at our conference in November. Suzie presents empirical data from co-creation design charettes where young people with lived experiences of residential care met with designers to discuss and explore the feeling of home in residential care. Read the blog post here.

We have invited selected scholars, who presented at our conference ‘STAY HOME: New Perspectives on the Home’ in November 2022 to publish on our blog in 2023. This is the fifth post in a series of blog posts based on the presentations of the conference.